19 de mayo de 2014

Nuevos títulos en la BC: Ciencia y Tecnología

En esta sección encontrarán ordenados por tema algunos de los últimos libros ingresados en la BC, para cada uno se incluye la cita bibliográfica, la ubicación en el estante y un resumen del contenido tomado de la contratapa, de librerías u otros sitios en Internet.

700 science experiments for everyone / Seven hundred science experiments for everyone Foreword by Gerald Wendt; compiled by UNESCO. - Revised and enlarged edition. - New York : Doubleday, 1958. - 250, [2] p. : il. ; 25 cm. 700 Science Experiments is a science source book containing simple experiments that use materials easily found at home. Students who want to supplement their scientific studies at school, as well as those looking for alternative ways to study science, will enjoy discovering how things work, why they grow, what they are made of, and how they live. Compiled by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 700 Science Experiments will fascinate budding scientists with sections on optical projection, electricity, chemistry, astronomy, magnetism, geology, physiology, and more. It makes science exciting, useful, and just plain fun! An excellent collection of experiments, noted for its number of entries and breadth of coverage.
ISBN: 0385052758 0385063547
Ubicación en la BC: 507 / S4974 1958


Historia de la ciencia en la Argentina / José Babini ; estudio preliminar de Marcelo Monserrat. - 1a ed. - Buenos Aires: Solar, 1986. - 273 p. ; 20 cm. No todos los libros poseen historia propia; y cada vez hay menos de esa clase. Pero esta Historia de la ciencia en la Argentina de José Babini (1897-1984) sí la tiene y bastante rica. Vio la luz por primera vez en 1954 y es ésta su tercera edición (no una mera reimpresión, como suele suceder con tantos textos, a los que desaprensivamente se "reedita"). De hecho el único historiador de la ciencia argentina durante bastantes años y hasta hace poco tiempo, Babini reivindicó siempre lo específico de su quehacer. "No me ocupo de filosofía ni de sociología de la ciencia —afirmaba—, mi trabajo es el del historiador, en una disciplina que no debe ser confundida con otras. Aunque, por supuesto, no niego para nada el lugar de la subjetividad; al contrario, creo que lo que hace el historiador es una labor de interpretación". Puntal para investigaciones que siguieron los pasos dados por Babini y apoyo para otras que vendrán, esta obra es el resultado de un trabajo tenaz. Configura un panorama básico para quien quiera conocer el tema en sus rasgos más generales. Pero no es un manual. En rigor, si nos atenemos al título original (La evolución del pensamiento científico en la Argentina), es una toma de posición y una refirmación de la creencia de Babini en el progreso incesante del conocimiento
ISBN: 9509086207
Ubicación en la BC: 509.82 / B114h 1986

The flying circus of physics / Jearl Walker. - 2nd ed. - Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley, c2007. - xvii, 331 p. : il. ; 28 cm. This new version now contains answers to all the over 600 stimulating questions. Walker covers the entirety of naked-eye physics by exploring problems of the everyday world. He focuses on the flight of Frisbees, sounds of thunder, rainbows, sand dunes, soap bubbles, etc., and uses such familiar objects as rubber bands, eggs, tea pots, and Coke bottles. Many references to outside sources guide the way through the problems. Now the inclusion of answers provides immediate feedback, making this an extraordinary approach in applying all of physics to problems of the real world. 
ISBN: 0471762733 9780471762737
Ubicación en la BC: 530.76 / W1813 2007

Chemistry for engineering students / Lawrence S. Brown , Thomas A. Holme. - 2a ed. - Belmont, U.S.A. : Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning, 2011. - 578 p. : il. ; 29 cm. Enhanced with a remarkable number of new problems and applications, the Second Edition of CHEMISTRY FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS provides a concise, thorough, and relevant introduction to chemistry that prepares students for further study in any engineering field. Updated with even more questions and applications specifically geared toward engineering students, the book emphasizes the connection between molecular properties and observable physical properties and the connections between chemistry and other subjects studied by engineering students, such as mathematics and physics. This new edition is now fully supported by OWL, the most widely-used online learning system for chemistry.
ISBN: 9781439047910 143904791X
Ubicación en la BC: 540.076 / B8788 2011

What light through yonder window breaks? : more experiments in atmospheric physics / Craig F. Bohren. - New York : J. Wiley, c1991. - xvi, 190 p. : il. ; 23 cm
Abounding in lively writing and fun-filled, easy-to-perform experiments, this illustrated volume makes the fascinating world of atmospheric physics accessible to readers without a scientific background.
ISBN: 047152915X
Ubicación en la BC: 551.5 / B677 1991

Climatology : an atmospheric science / John J. Hidore ... [et al.]. - 3rd ed. - New York : Prentice Hall, c2010. - xviii, 385 p., láms. : il. ; 29 cm. Taking the study of atmospheric science beyond the daily weather map, Climatology explores the broader impacts of weather and climate. The authors cover multiple facets of climate, many of which play a significant role in everyday life—and examine many topics, such as past climates, that are seldom adequately covered in other introductions to the subject. The science behind widely publicized events is explained within the systematic coverage of climate and climatology. The relationships between climate and peopleare discussed in detail, and readers are shown how common things ranging from wind-chill to architecture are understood in the wider context of climate. In the Third Edition, data and information have been updated throughout and significant coverage is devoted to climate change.
ISBN: 9780321602053 0321602056
Ubicación en la BC: 551.5 / C6398 2010

Introduction to biomedical imaging / Andrew Webb. - New Jersey : Wiley, c2003. - xiii, 252 p. : il. ; 25 cm. An important component of the recent expansion in bioengineering is the area of biomedical imaging. This book provides in-depth coverage of the field of biomedical imaging, with particular attention to an engineering viewpoint. Suitable as both a professional reference and as a text for a one-semester course for biomedical engineers or medical technology students, Introduction to Biomedical Imaging covers the fundamentals and applications of four primary medical imaging techniques: magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound, nuclear medicine, and X-ray/computed tomography.
ISBN: 0471237663
Ubicación en la BC: 616.0754 / W3652 2003

Medical device technologies : a systems based overview using engineering standards / Gail D. Baura. - Waltham, Massachusetts : Elsevier/Academic Press, c2012. - xv, 512 p. : il. ; 24 cm. The goal of this textbook is to provide undergraduate engineering students with an introduction to commonly manufactured medical devices. It is the first textbook that discusses both electrical and mechanical medical devices. The first 20 chapters are medical device technology chapters; the remaining 8 chapters are medical device laboratory experiment chapters. Each medical device chapter begins with an exposition of appropriate physiology, mathematical modeling or biocompatibility issues, and clinical need. A device system description and system diagram provide details on technology function and administration of diagnosis and/or therapy. The systems approach enables students to quickly identify the relationships between devices. Device key features are based on five applicable consensus standard requirements from organizations such as ISO and the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI).  
ISBN: 9780123749765
Ubicación en la BC: 610.28 / B351 2012

Mechatronics in medicine : a biomedical engineering approach / Siamak Najarian ... [et al.]. - New York : McGraw-Hill, c2012. - xiii, 183 p. : il. ; 27 cm. Autores: Siamak Najarian, Javad Dargahi, Goldis Darbemamieh, Siamak H. Farkoush. Comprehensive coverage of mechatronics in medical systems. Mechatronics in Medicine: A Biomedical Engineering Approach addresses this emerging field focused on areas of medicine such as robotic surgery and smart surgical instruments, design of artificial organs, new medical imaging systems, and novel diagnostic and therapeutic systems. This pioneering work addresses the development of computer-controlled mechanical devices for use in a wide variety of areas in biomedicine. Mechatronics in Medicine: A Biomedical Engineering Approach offers a basic background in mechatronics. Covers multidisciplinary medical systems, discusses design and operation of biomechatronics systems Includes details on state-of-the-art technologies; cutting-edge coverage introduction to mechatronics; sensing technology; actuators and feedback sensors; mechanisms and mechanical Devices; processing and control Systems; expert systems; medical imaging; applications of mechatronics in medicine; medical case studies in mechatronics.
ISBN: 9780071768962 (hardback : alk. paper)
Ubicación en la BC: 610.28 / M4868 2012

Biofluid mechanics : an introduction to fluid mechanics, macrocirculation, and microcirculation / David A. Rubenstein, Wei Yin, Mary D. Frame. - Boston : Elsevier Academic Press, c2012. - x, 400 p. : il. ; 24 cm. Both broad and deep in coverage, Rubenstein shows that fluid mechanics principles can be applied not only to blood circulation, but also to air flow through the lungs, joint lubrication, intraocular fluid movement and renal transport. Each section initiates discussion with governing equations, derives the state equations and then shows examples of their usage. Clinical applications, extensive worked examples, and numerous end of chapter problems clearly show the applications of fluid mechanics to biomedical engineering situations. A section on experimental techniques provides a springboard for future research efforts in the subject area. Uses language and math that are appropriate and conducive for undergraduate learning, containing many worked examples and end of chapter problems. All engineering concepts and equations are developed within a biological context. Covers topics in the traditional biofluids curriculum, as well as addressing other systems in the body that can be described by biofluid mechanics principles, such as air flow through the lungs, joint lubrication, intraocular fluid movement, and renal transport.    Clinical applications are discussed throughout the book, providing practical applications for the concepts discussed.
ISBN: 9780123813831
Ubicación en la BC: 612.13 / R895 2012


Principles of magnetic resonance imaging : physics concepts, pulse sequences, & biomedical applications / Magnetic resonance imaging Yi Wang. - 1st ed. - Ney York : Departments of Biomedical Engineering and Radiology. Cornell University, 2012. - 258 p. : il. ; 26 cm. Principles of Magnetic Resonance Imaging provides a contemporary introduction of the fundamental concepts of MRI and connects these concepts to the latest MRI developments. Graphic illustrations are used to clarify underlying biophysical processes, simplified calculations are derived to add precision in appreciating abstract concepts, and insightful interpretations are presented for biomedical information in MRI signal. This book contains three parts. I. Section the body into voxels, which describes the Fourier encoding matrix for an imaging system, realization of Fourier encoding using the gradient field in magnetic resonance, and k-space sampling. II. What’s in a voxel, which examines the effects of the biophysical processes in a voxel on MRI signal. Intuitive biophysical models are developed for MRI signal dependence on; Spin fluctuation in thermal microenvironment, which leads to T1/T2 relaxation rates reflecting cellular contents in a water voxel; Micro- and macro physiological motion, which includes diffusion, perfusion, flow and biomechanical motion.; Molecular electron response to the B0 field, which leads to magnetic susceptibility and chemical shift. III. How to operate MRI, which describes MRI safety issue, hardware, software, MRI scanning and routine MRI protocols. This book also uses basic concepts to demonstrate and expose students to the latest technological innovations in MRI, including: B1+ B1- mapping, Electric property tomography (EPT), Quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM), Chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST), Contrast agents, Molecular MRI, Spin tagging (SPAMM and DENSE), MR elastography, Parallel imaging including SENSE and GRAPPA, Compressed sensing and Bayesian approach.  
ISBN: 9781479350414
Ubicación en la BC: 616.07548 / W2468 2012

Modeling and simulation in biomedical engineering : applications in cardiorespiratory physiology / Willem van Meurs. - New York : McGraw-Hill, c2011. - xx, 193 p. : il. ; 24 cm.
Complete coverage of everything from theory to practical modeling and simulation techniques of human physiology for medical engineers Modeling and Simulation in Biomedical Engineering: Applications in Cardiorespitory Physiologyis a single compact and consistent reference. You will acquire an understanding of the theoretical and practical aspects of modeling and simulation of dynamic systems, as well as models of the cardiorespiratory systems and their natural and pharmacologic controls. When working through the text and examples, you will also acquire the skills to evaluate and adapt existing physiologic models or create new ones for specific applications and integrate clinical, physiological, physical, mathematical, and software engineering considerations in a goal-oriented fashion. Modeling and Simulation in Biomedical Engineering: Applications in Cardiorespitory Physiology Presents several applications of modeling and simulation of human cardiorespiratory physiology Includes state variable models of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems so that you can model other physiological systems using state variable techniques Is written by the immediate past president of SESAM (Society in Europe for Simulation Applied to Medicine) Covers both theory and practical aspects of modeling and simulation of dynamic systems Authoritative coverage: Introduction; Interface and Model Requirement; Conceptual Models; Mathematical Models; Discretization and Simulation Results; Interpretation of Simulation Results; The Cardiovascular System; Respiration; Physiologic and Pharmacologic Control; Multiple Models; Physical and Hybrid Models; Modeling Age and Disease; Setting Requirements for Educational; Simulators and Models References. 
ISBN: 9780071714457
Ubicación en la BC: 616.100113 / M598 2011

Synchronization and arbitration in digital systems / David Kinniment. - New Jersey : J. Wiley & Sons, 2007. - xvi, 263 p. : il. ; 24 cm. Today’s networks of processors on and off chip, operating with independent clocks, need effective synchronization of the data passing between them for reliability. When two or more processors request access to a common resource, such as a memory, an arbiter has to decide which request to deal with first. Current developments in integrated circuit processing are leading to an increase in the numbers of independent digital processing elements in a single system. With this come faster communications, more networks on chip, and the demand for more reliable, more complex, and higher performance synchronizers and arbiters. Written by one of the foremost researchers in this area of digital design, this authoritative text provides in-depth theory and practical design solutions for the reliable working of synchronization and arbitration hardware in digital systems. The book provides methods for making real reliability measurements both on and off chip, evaluating some of the common difficulties and detailing circuit solutions at both circuit and system levels. With its logical approach to design methodology, this will prove an invaluable guide for electronic and computer engineers and researchers working on the design of digital electronic hardware. Postgraduates and senior undergraduate students studying digital systems design as part of their electronic engineering course will struggle to find a resource that better details the information given inside this book.  
ISBN: 9780470510827 (alk. paper)
Ubicación en la BC: 621.3815 / K559 2007

Electronic design automation : synthesis, verification, and test / edited by Laung-Terng Wang, Yao-Wen Chang, Kwang-Ting (Tim) Cheng. - Amsterdam : Morgan Kaufmann/Elsevier, c2009. - xxxv, 934 p. : il. ; 29 cm. This book provides broad and comprehensive coverage of the entire EDA flow. EDA/VLSI practitioners and researchers in need of fluency in an "adjacent" field will find this an invaluable reference to the basic EDA concepts, principles, data structures, algorithms, and architectures for the design, verification, and test of VLSI circuits. Anyone who needs to learn the concepts, principles, data structures, algorithms, and architectures of the EDA flow will benefit from this book. Covers complete spectrum of the EDA flow, from ESL design modeling to logic/test synthesis, verification, physical design, and test - helps EDA newcomers to get "up-and-running" quickly. Includes comprehensive coverage of EDA concepts, principles, data structures, algorithms, and architectures - helps all readers improve their VLSI design competence. Contains latest advancements not yet available in other books, including Test compression, ESL design modeling, large-scale floorplanning, placement, routing, synthesis of clock and power/ground networks - helps readers to design/develop testable chips or products. Includes industry best-practices wherever appropriate in most chapters - helps readers avoid costly mistakes.
ISBN: 9780123743640
Ubicación en la BC: 621.395 / E386 2009


Teoría y práctica de la calidad / Marta Sangüesa Sánchez, Ricardo Mateo Dueñas, Laura Ilzarbe Izquierdo. - Madrid : Universidad de Navarra : Thomson, c2006. - xix, 275 p. : il. ; 24 cm. La obra reúne los contenidos teóricos del área de calidad con una parte práctica donde se presentan tres casos basados en la experiencia de Volkswagen Navarra. Gracias al continuo empleo de ejemplos y el apoyo de los temas prácticos, se consigue un aprendizaje sencillo, riguroso y sobre todo muy práctico de los principales conceptos dentro del campo de la gestión de la calidad. Dirigido principalmente a alumnos universitarios con el objetivo de proporcionarles unos sólidos conocimientos sobre la gestión de la calidad, pero además a cualquier persona con inquietud por introducirse en el área de la calidad o que quiera conocer más acerca de la calidad en el sector del automóvil. 
ISBN: 8497324064
Ubicación en la BC: 658.562 / S226T 2006

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